prescriptions Prescriptions
You can order your repeat prescriptions in 3 ways
1 - At the surgery
In person at the surgery using the tear off slip listing your medication, or post in the box outside the surgery when we are closed.
2 - Systmonline
Using Systmonline if you have registered please click on this link - remember to state which surgery you wish to collect your medication from.
3 - Using the NHS App
If you require prescriptions for regular and continuing medication, it is not always necessary to see the doctor each time. Repeat prescriptions are computerised and the tear-off slip at the side will indicate the date your review is due.
Please give 4 full working days notice when ordering your medication. Please do not request via the telephone.
Third Party Repeat Requests
We will no longer accept prescription requests from a third party on your behalf, i.e. from all community and online pharmacies and from appliance contractors. We would like you, the patient or representative, to order your prescription medicines that you need directly from the surgery. This will help to reduce medication waste, stockpiling and improve overall patient safety.
The NHS app
- order repeat prescriptions
- access NHS 111 online
- find NHS services
- view your health records
- and much more…
receipt_long Prescription Fee & Charges
Prescriptions Charges and Exemptions
Extensive exemption and remission arrangements protect those likely to have difficulty in paying charges (NHS prescription and dental charges, optical and hospital travel costs).
The NHS prescription charge is a flat-rate amount which successive Governments have thought it reasonable to charge for those who can afford to pay for their medicines.
There is further information about prescription exemptions and fees on the NHS website
NHS charges
From 1 April 2024, the charges are:
- Prescription (per item): £9.90
- 12-month prepayment certificate (PPC) - £114.50 (patients can spread the cost and pay in 10 monthly instalments)
- 3-month PPC: £32.05
The cost of an NHS Hormone Replacement therapy (HRT) PPC will be £19.80.
People who pay for their NHS prescriptions could save with a PPC. Rather than paying £9.90 for each prescription, the 3 and 12 month PPC covers unlimited NHS prescriptions for the one-off set price. This means if people need 4 or more items in 3 months or 12 or more items in 12 months, they will save money by buying a PPC.
If you will have to pay for four or more prescription items in three months, or more than 14 items in 12 months, you may find it cheaper to buy a PPC. The charge for a single prescription item is £9.90, whereas a three month PPC will cost you £32.05 and a 12 month PPC £114.50.
Prescription prepayment certificates (PPCs) offer real savings for people who need extensive medication. There is further information on the NHS website.
Restricted Prescribing
Mid-Essex CCG has asked GPs to reduce their prescribing of some medicines that are readily available to purchase because:
- Many of these products are cheap to buy and are readily available from pharmacies, where you can also get additional professional advice on your condition.
- Shops and supermarkets (which are often open until late) also have a limited range of these products that you can purchase.
- Some of them do not actually work very well, e.g. cough syrups.
- This money could be better spent on treating more serious conditions as diabetes and heart disease.
In some circumstances your doctor can still prescribe these medicines on the NHS.
GPs are asked not to prescribe the following:
- Pain killers for minor aches and pains
- Cough and cold remedies
- Lozenges, throat sprays, mouthwashes and gargles
- Hay fever preparations
- Indigestion remedies
- Minor eye infections
- Treatments for non-serious constipation and diarrhoea
- Treatments for minor acne and minor nail infections
- Tonics and vitamins
- Health supplements and complementary medicines
- Antiperspirants
- Threadworm tablets
- Ear wax removers and softeners
- Barrier creams for nappy rash
- Creams for female facial hair
- Creams, gels & tubigrip for sprains and sports injuries
- Creams & gels for bruising, tattoos and varicose veins
- Athlete’s foot cream and powders
- Slimming preparations except prescription only items
- Head lice lotions and shampoos
- Moisturisers & bath additives for minor dry skin conditions
- Food and toilet preparations which are not clinically indicated e.g. gluten free foods, liquid feeds, soya milks and sun creams
28 day prescribing
In line with Department of Health guidelines we do not generally issue more than 28 days’ supply of medication. Pharmacy Prescriptions: When presenting your prescription to a pharmacy please ensure they have all items in stock before you pay. We have become aware that some patients are having part of their prescription dispensed and then waiting for a period of days for other items. If the pharmacy cannot provide all the items together and you cannot wait for orders to be received you are advised to try a different pharmacy.pill Dispensary
Our dispensary policies remain unchanged. Telephone requests for medication are not accepted.
We encourage you to download the NHS app, use SystmOne online if you have password access or make a request in writing.
We WILL NOT issue more than a months supply of any medications under any circumstances. This is to avoid stockpiling of unwanted medication.
Please give 4 full working days’ notice when ordering your medication. Please DO NOT telephone.
Both our surgeries offer a dispensing service to patients living more than a mile from a chemist.
All our dispensers are qualified and are available to help all patients with medication queries.
Regulations do not allow us to dispense to any patient who lives within a mile of a chemist or patients who are living in an urban area. However, exceptions can be made in an emergency or if you have particular difficulty in reaching a chemist, i.e. limited mobility. If you would like to discuss this further please speak to one of our dispensers.
01245 360678
Monday to Friday
8.30am - 6.30pm
8am - noon
01376 341344
Monday to Friday 8.30am - 1.00pm
2pm - 6.30pm
Saturday Closed
pill_off Changes to Medicines
Mid and South Essex ICB is responsible for managing the drugs budget spent by doctors in our area. The Medicines Management Team may advise changes to medicines for many reasons, including:
- New safety concerns
- New evidence about the benefits of a drug
- New treatment guidelines
It is also important that we make best use of the money we spend on medicines, without reducing the quality of the treatment patients receive. If more money is spent on medicines than is available, the extra money has to come from other areas of healthcare. This means that we may not be able to provide all the services we would like.
The Medicines Management Team continually check the cost of medicines to see if savings can be made. The team also helps GP practices to make such changes to patients’ medication when necessary.
Points to remember:
- Money wasted means less is available for other services.
- Making changes to your medicines does not mean that you are receiving a reduced quality service.
- If you have a leaflet or a letter giving information about the changes to your medicines, read it carefully and keep it for reference.
- Always follow the directions printed on the medicine label.
Medicine Shortages
There are sometimes medicine shortages. This is a national problem which has been discussed at Government level. In the event that we are unable to obtain your regular medication, your GP will try to find a suitable alternative. We would ask for your understanding on these occasions.
Self Help & Wellbeing
NHS advice when your child is unwell
Help and support for parents and carers who look after their children’s health and recognise when they are unwell.
Mental Health
It's not just your body that needs to be looked after.
Addictive Behaviour
Practical help and support to help with addictive behavior.
Health and vaccination advice when traveling outside the UK.
General Health & Conditions
Help and addvice about general health and wellnes.
The getUBetter app
A free and easy-to-use tool helping you to self-manage your muscle, bone, and joint (MSK) injuries and conditions.
NHS Screening
The NHS offers a range of screening tests to different sections of the population.
For routine appointments or administrative enquiries please use this form to contact the surgery.
Please do not use this form if you require a same day appointment or require a more urgent response.
Please call the surgery on 01245 360253 or 01376 341411
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